We train creative and critical movers, thinkers and makers who are passionate about movement research and creation. Our passion in teaching is about pursuing a rigorous study of self, other and world through one’s physical and perceptual choice-making.
We teach independent artists, dance companies, and people of all kinds in public workshops, festivals, universities and professional trainings such as Body-Mind Centering® certification programs internationally.
Any of our workshops can be tailored for performers and non-performers, people with and without disabilities, kids and adults. We offer classes in somatics, improvisation, composition, film making, dance in public space, one-on-one sessions in Body-Mind Centering® and shiatsu and host dance parties.
Somatic practice can open the door to radically inclusive movement potentials. Somatic practice is an integrated and embodied approach to movement, bodies and consciousness which can be practiced by anybody irregardless of age, ability, disability, or gender. Somatic practice invites a slowing down to feel. We learn to sense and initiate movement from anywhere inside of ourselves. Through practice we learn that somatics is not only about creating flexible mobile bodies, but flexible minds. This creates a very generative place for movement exploration and dance making.
We teach regularly for Carte Blanche, New Zealand School of Dance, Dansehallerne, The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen, Cullberg Ballet, Stockholm, TanzFabrik, Berlin, Tanzquartier, Vienna, Uniarts, Stockholm, Norwegian Theater Academy, Fredrikstad, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Praxis, Oslo, Impulstanz, Vienna, Movement Research, NYC, Independent Dance, London, Contradanse, Brussels.