September 20, 2003
Mill Creek Park, Kansas City

A collaborative commission for City in Motion Dance Theater and aha! dance theatre

“People attending the Plaza Art Fair on Saturday, Sept. 20, were given a surprise if they ventured too close to Mill Creek Park at dusk. More than a dozen dancers dressed in bright orange raced down the hill, yelling at the top of their lungs, confusing traffic, and converging upon the bubbling brook at the center of the park. An expectant audience of close to 100 people waited on the rocks above the brook to see the unique performance of the BodyCartography Project.

Although this kind of performance may be disconcerting to passersby who are not expecting it, it does shatter any preconceived notions one might have about dance. The performance also allows people to “get up close and personal” with an art form in a different way than it is usually encountered. Many individuals do not have the opportunity to experience dance in this organic sort of way. Children usually love this kind of interaction with the performers and join right in. So, even if the venue is a little unusual, it does provide the opportunity to interact and experience dance in a uniquely personal way.”     University News

Mill Creek Park is made possible in part by funding from the Neighborhood Tourism Development Fund, Kansas City, Missouri.