Lineage: Circling the Line (work in progress)
What passes between generations? Between countries? What lands in our bodies? How have our embodied relationships to the ideas of ‘land’ and ‘nature’ transformed through time?
Otto and Uma Ramstad work together with matrilineal family lineage and extend this notion of family to ecosystems and mother earth to connect to audiences at foundational levels. As we share creative and embodied ways of processing what it is to be a human being in this rapidly changing time, our personal stories are portals into universal conditions of being connected to each other across time and through difference.
This collaboration is a continuation of Otto Ramstad’s research from Lineage, which was presented at KHiO 2019 and Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2020. With artistic genealogical research as a backdrop, he and Uma will move from looking at the past in the present to looking from the present to the future.
Tanzhaus-temporär, Kassel, Germany
Prøverommet, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Oktoberdans, Bit-Teatergarasjen, Bergen
++ Blackbox Teater, Oslo
++ Blackbox Teater, Oslo
SPLEIS, Scenehuset, Oslo
Spleis, Scenehuset, Oslo