Ecosomatics is a dynamic approach to living and learning which engages us in embodied practices to bring is into deeper relations with the world in which live. In this workshop we will engage with ecosomatic practices for living and dying together on a damaged earth. Together we will practice living, breathing, moving, sensing, perceiving, digesting, dying, and decomposing to help us perceive more of the whole scale of the sensitivities and intelligences within us, the human and non-human, the transforming spaces, the before and after. We will hone our skills, to improvise, to play, to experiment, to be receptive, to be in the unknown and trust we have the resources in our bodies to negotiate, survive, and thrive.

We will work together in the forest in Østmarka and in the studio. These somatic experiments will be the catalyst for creating new formats for performance experiences for an audience grounded in participation together in Østmarka on July 7.

Cost: 6 day intensive 5500 NOK / 480 Euros
EARLY BIRD 4500 NOK/380 Euros if paid in full by May 30

Participation is by application only. To apply please send an email to with a paragraph about your motivation, a bio or CV, website or video links to your work.