Ecosomatic practices for living and dying with a damaged earth, virtual workshop for returning students
20 Jan 03:30 PM
Until 24 Jan, 05:30 PM 4d 2h

Ecosomatic practices for living and dying with a damaged earth, virtual workshop for returning students


Ecosomatic Practices for living and dying with a damaged earth with Olive Bieringa

9.30-11.30 EST/ 15.30-17.30 CET

Fee: 100-200 Euros sliding scale
To register please email

Olive Bieringa will offer an online workshop series for returning students who have engaged with BodyCartography’s prior ecosomatic offerings. Participants are invited to practice out on the land or in their homes or studios.

In this series we will engage with practices for living and dying together on, in and with a damaged earth. Together we will practice living, breathing, moving, sensing, perceiving, digesting, dying, and decomposing to help us perceive more of the whole scale of the sensitivities and intelligences within us, the human and non-human, the transforming spaces, the before and after. We will hone our skills, to improvise, to play, to experiment, to be receptive, to be in the unknown and trust we have the resources in our bodies to negotiate, survive, and thrive.

Understanding phenomena through embodied practice allows us to generate different kinds of being, feeling, understanding, and thinking which can generate new ways of relating, behaving, and giving value to the more than human world.

This class is for returning students who have attended other ecosomatic series with Olive.

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